
Wednesday 6 May 2015

An Update

As exams draw near I've been trying to find the time for painting, it's certainly been a while since a post.  Although I have gotten through a lot of half projects and worked on a few tricks behind some techniques such as OSL (which making things appear to glow from a light source).

Here's a few images of two things Ive painted, to be followed first by an OSL guide tomorrow, then after a speed blending article, and some product reviews.


  1. I like the way the Crusher looks like it's covered in fresh blood. Is that the Bloodletter glaze, or the Blood for the Blood God technical?

    1. I think bloodletter glaze would be too orangey, and the blood technical paint I haven't had a lot of experience with. I actually used Tamiya clear red for the final shiny stage, Ive made a guide here on painting the red armour now
