
Monday 9 March 2015

Harlequin Wraithguard Showcase

I've got some of the new harlequin models so before I started, I tested some scheme ideas on this eldar wraithguard.

I didn't worry so much about trying to make the detail and diamonds perfect but instead focused on getting a good feel for the colours and textures I wanted to use.

If you're interested in any of the techniques I've used, leave a comment and I can upload how-to article(s) covering them later this week!


  1. Wow very nice... Have you considered giving the Wraiths a Harlequin Style Mask face? Their masks are supposed to show the viewers fears as they gaze upon it, would be cool fluff wise to have terrifying constructs like that walking towards them.

    Very nice though. I love the colours.

    1. Thanks, I was originally going to free hand a mask on the helmet but In the end I didn't have time before the paint competition this was for, I might try it on another wriathgurad sometime though!
