
Friday 18 September 2015

Mierce Miniature and Scale75 Paint Reviews!

I've moved to university halls in Exeter, and set up my paints and miniature space there so I've had a chance to start trying some new paints and models I took with me.

This model I'm currently working on to represent my Dungeons and Dragons character is from mierce miniatures and the detail is superb! (The unpainted photo doesn't do it justice) 
The resin they use definitely isn't as brittle as some (yes, found out by accidentally dropping this model).  Also, the mould lines were there but minimal and I found zero air bubbles in the resin. 
The only potential downside to the model is the sculpted in detail such as veins and micro-scratches in the metal, having these sculpted in can mess with painters who use a lot of glazes who may prefer to paint on veins or battle damage afterwards.  
I will be sure to look at Mierce in the future when sourcing models for my games.

The axe head is almost finished, just some glazes and weathering powder to go, however, I've taken this picture before hand to show just the painting I have done using the Scale75 NMM paint set.
I really like these paints and I think the result looks pretty good too!

I'll start with the negatives; first is the bottles. The dropper bottles easily get clogged, and paint comes out very slowly until the clog dislodges and the paint spurts VERY fast.  When learning this the hard way I lost a fair amount of paint and got paint all over the table, this wasn't an issue as it cleaned off - the issue would be if that went on a model I'd spent hours painting.
The good thing about these paints are their consistency, the white doesn't go chalky and adding water won't cause them to separate, they're very compliant for glazing, wet blending and two brush blending.
The other feature to note is how matte these colours are; which means everything will show. 
The negative: layers aren't applied smoothly brush strokes will be more obvious than with Games Workshop paints for example. The positive: they can also give a really nice crisp finish to a painted area.
Overall I'd also recommend the scale75 paint range, but with the caveat that they're for the patient painter, if you just want to get an army done fast they might not be the best tool for the job.


  1. If you are not a big fan of dropper bottles (or haven't used them much), you can help prevent clogs by having a "break down" at the end of your painting session on the bottles. Wiping the tips, and poking a paper clip down. Other painters actually (I haven't done this), hang them upside down, so the paint never dries out in the nozzle.

  2. I've never had the clogging problem with Vallejo or Warcolour dropper bottles. Ive started piercing the build up in each bottle with a paper clip before use. And thanks for the storage tips, I'll try them next time

    1. Oh! Well in that case, it might just be the scale droppers! Thanks for the heads up then! (didn't know if it was just droppers in general)

  3. I don't know why, but when I saw that mini, I thought instantly :"Where is MY RICE CRISPY TREAT?!?!"
    But very nice, impressive work good sir, hurrah and ale for all (except everyone but me)

  4. Amazint looking!

    I find the brush strokes using Scale 75 to be a real problem. I don't know how to use them. Any tips?
